The US Dollar against the Swiss Franc. USDCHF accounted for 4.4% of the Foreign Exchange market volume in 2016. The Swiss Franc is the official currency of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Campione d’ Italia.
The US Dollar against the Swiss Franc. USDCHF accounted for 4.4% of the Foreign Exchange market volume in 2016. The Swiss Franc is the official currency of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Campione d’ Italia.
The Canadian Dollar is a commodity currency, as Canada is a major exporter of oil, gas, ferrous, and non-ferrous metals. The Canadian Dollar is positively correlated to the price of Crude Oil. Canada exports daily about 2 million oil barrels to the United States, while 85% of all Canada’s exports are going in the US.
The Australian Dollar against the US Dollar. AUDUSD is ranked in 4th place among the most active pairs in the world, accounting for 6.4% of the Foreign Exchange market volume (2016).
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