The series of Rating Formulas introduced by aims to provide an objective framework of rating financial brokers...


What is it about?

The introduction of the Rating Formula v.3.5 is serving an important mission. This mission is to provide a 100% objective framework to evaluate and rate the world's binary options brokers. Until today, brokerage services were rated by individual users. But most of these user ratings in the trading industry are not honest. Anyone who has an incentive to do so may produce a fake rating/review. Prove comes from the fact that most individual user ratings are given extreme values such as 10/10 or 1/10. It is hard to believe that these extreme ratings have been produced by honest users. This is why the Rating Formula Series was designed in the first place. By rating brokers in an objective way users are able to choose the brokerage service that suits them best. Furthermore, users are able to identify trading aspects that they weren't aware of and thus enhance their knowledge upon trading.


The first and the second versions of the Rating Broker Formula were applied to Online Forex Brokers. Version 3.0 of the formula was applied to Binary Options Brokers. More information here:

» Rating Formula V.5.0 at

» Rating Formula V.4.0 at


Rating Formula V.3.5 (Binary Options Brokers)Rating Brokers Formula v.3.5

The rating formula v.3.5 is built by linking together four major trading factors:

Maybe someday in the future, world regulatory authorities will use a similar formula to control and force online brokers to operate in a way that favors their clients. Furthermore, regulators will be able to force online brokers to act in the direction of minimizing the whole systemic risk of the industry. Scam brokers are not just harming traders, but they are also adding an extreme level of systemic risk to the trading industry. The same way that we have witnessed the great financial crisis of 2008 in the US, which eventually became a world crisis. The rating formula is designed to help traders but also to help the system to reduce the incorporated level of systemic risk. That is why we believe that this way of rating brokers sooner or later will become an industry standard.

  • Max Safety of Funds
  • Min Commissions and Fees Charged
  • Max Number of Trading Options
  • Max Technological Efficiency

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